I plan to retrieve the mail item of the selected email on every chance of selected outlook email, but the event handle only gets triggered on startup, and sometimes properly. I can't seem to find what's causing the issue, most forums leads to a dead end, hence this post.
Anyway, here's a snippet of my Startup method:
private void Main_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.Application.ItemSend += new Outlook.ApplicationEvents_11_ItemSendEventHandler(Application_ItemSend);
Outlook.Explorer currentExplorer = this.Application.ActiveExplorer();
currentExplorer.SelectionChange += new Outlook.ExplorerEvents_10_SelectionChangeEventHandler(CurrentExplorer_Event);
outlookNameSpace = this.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
inbox = outlookNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
items = inbox.Items;
items.ItemAdd += new Outlook.ItemsEvents_ItemAddEventHandler(items_ItemAdd);
and here's a snippet of my CurrentExplorer_Event method:
private void CurrentExplorer_Event()
newSelectedEmail = new Email();
Outlook.MAPIFolder selectedFolder = this.Application.ActiveExplorer().CurrentFolder;
if (this.Application.ActiveExplorer().Selection.Count > 0)
Object selObject = this.Application.ActiveExplorer().Selection[1];
if (selObject is Outlook.MailItem)
Outlook.MailItem mailItem = (selObject as Outlook.MailItem);
catch (Exception ex)
Operations.SaveLogToFile(LogType.Error, "Main - CurrentExplorer_Event", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!