I have a single table, Customers, and I want to delete/drop the field, FullName, and create two fields; FirstName and LastName respectively. Conveniently the names in the FullName only consist of two parts (e.g. John Smith, Robert Black). I have the MS Access compliant SQL code for extracting the first and last name from the FullName field below.
Mid(FullName, 1, InStr(FullName, ' ') - 1)
AS FirstName,
Mid(FullName, InStr(FullName, ' ') + 1, Len(FullName))
AS LastName
FROM Customers
I want to fill FirstName and LastName with the values from FullName, and then delete FullName. Below is my attempt to fill the FirstName field in DDL.
UPDATE Customers
SET Customers.FirstName =
(SELECT Mid(FullName, 1, InStr(FullName, ' ') - 1) )
The error I get from MS Access when I attempt to run this code is "Operation must use an updateable query".