In Azure docs is described how to configure existing VNet/subnet to deploy Managed Instances in them - see
You should use the following script and put subscription id, VNet and subnet names:
scriptUrlBase = ''
$parameters = @{
subscriptionId = '<subscriptionId>'
resourceGroupName = '<resourceGroupName>'
virtualNetworkName = '<virtualNetworkName>'
subnetName = '<subnetName>'
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create((iwr ($scriptUrlBase+'/prepareSubnet.ps1?t='+ [DateTime]::Now.Ticks)).Content)) -ArgumentList $parameters
Script has the following steps:
- Validate - Selected virtual network and subnet are validated for Managed Instance networking requirements
- Reports & confirm - Script shows a set of changes that need to be made to prepare subnet for Managed Instance deployment and asked for consent
- Prepare - Virtual network and subnet are modified by the script and configured properly.