
I just started programming with the OCaml functional programming language for one of my classes at school. One of our problems was to write whats known as a "Russian Peasant Algorithm" but using tail recursion instead of normal recursion. I think I've almost got it, but I keep running into a silly error that I can't seem to pinpoint stating; "This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type unit" over the line "aux x (base*base) (power/2)". I'm really not sure how to go about fixing this as I'm new to the syntax of the language. Any ideas?

I believe this to be caused by a conditional with no branch; however I have this implemented so I'm quite confused as to why its not working.

let even n = (n mod 2) = 0 ;;
let odd n = (n mod 2) = 1;; 

let exp_program (base, power) = 
  let rec func x base power =
    if base = 0 then 0
    else if power = 0 then x
    else if power = 1 then x*base
    else if (odd power) then
      func (x*base) (base*base) ((power-1)/2)
    else if (even power) then 
      func x (base*base) (power/2)
func 1 base power ;;

The goal of this function is to call exp_program (2, 3) for example and have it produce the base^power. In this case it would result in 8


2 Answers


You are missing the else clause.

Solution: Remove the last else if and replace with else.

let exp_program (base, power) = 
  let rec func x base power =
    if base = 0 then 0
    else if power = 0 then x
    else if power = 1 then x*base
    else if (odd power) then
      func (x*base) (base*base) ((power-1)/2)
      func x (base*base) (power/2)
func 1 base power ;;

The construct

if <boolean> then <expression>

comes with an implicit

else ()

The last if in your if ... else if ... else if ... else if ladder is such a construct and therefore has the implicit else (). The type inference kind of works backwards so the implicit return of () is seen first and unit is infered as return type of the if. The then branch though has type int so you get the error you described.

The simplest way to fix this is to replace the last else if with just else. This also saves time since you know the power to be even since it isn't odd.