Is it possible to use the Connect-SPOService cmdlet with an application identifier & secret? I need to get information about site collections within an azure function that are only available through the get-sposite cmdlet.
I'm trying to set up an Azure Function that uses the SharePoint Online PowerShell module to report all site collections that have external sharing enabled. As I don't want to include my personal credentials in this Azure Function I set up an application identifier in Azure AD. I am able to use this app id with the PnP Cmdlets (connect-pnponline -appid ...) but the pnp command get-pnpsite do not return the needed detail information.
Below is the code with pnp framework, where all Sharing* properties are empty.
Connect-PnPOnline -AppId $appid -AppSecret $appsecret -Url $adminUrl
$content = @()
Get-PnPTenantSite -Filter "Url -notlike ""*/personal*""" | ? {$_.SharingCapability -ne "Disabled" } | % {
$connection = Connect-PnPOnline -ReturnConnection -Url $_.url -AppId $AppId -AppSecret $AppSecret
$site = Get-PnPSite -Connection $connection;
$content += @{
title= $site.Title;
This Code works, but needs actural user credentials:
param (
# Parameter help description
# Parameter help description
$dateStr = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss
$filename = "ExternalSharingReport_$dateStr.csv"
$content = @()
$adminUrl = "https://$"
Connect-SPOService -Url $adminUrl
$content += "Title; Url; Owner; SharingCapability; SharingDomainRestrictionMode; SharingAllowedDomainList; SharingBlockedDomainList"
Get-SpoSite | ? {$_.Url -notlike "*/personal*" -AND $_.SharingCapability -ne "Disabled" } | % {
$site = Get-SPOSite $_.url;
$content += "$($site.Title); $($site.Url); $($site.Owner); $($site.SharingCapability); $($site.SharingDomainRestrictionMode); $($site.SharingAllowedDomainList); $($site.SharingBlockedDomainList)"
$completPath = Join-Path -Path $DestinationPath -ChildPath $filename
$content > $completPath
I would expect to be able to use the default cmdlet like this:
Connect-SPOService $adminUrl -AppId $appId -AppSecret $appSecret