
I'm using Microsoft Face API and I have many photos of persons there. I know that in azure database its saved only geometry of the face, not the whole photo. Now I want to see that data. I know that I can see part of this data, as I`m making requests, like to list all large person groups or to list all persons in the current large group. But I want to see all my data of persons, personId's, groups and photos geometry which is saved in azure's database from azure portal or somewhere else. And my question is:

Can I see all my data which is saved in azure's database?


1 Answers


Microsoft Face API is a SaaS service: you are not hosting any of the resources used by the API in your own subscription. So the main point is: there is no data saved in your Azure database.

You will not have direct access to the resources hosting the metadata used for your saved faces, all you can access is the data accessible through the API: https://westus.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/563879b61984550e40cbbe8d/operations/563879b61984550f30395236

So if you want to get the Face Landmarks, you can only get them during your call to Detect method, which have the following properties:

An array of 27-point face landmarks pointing to the important positions of face components. To return this, it requires "returnFaceLandmarks" parameter to be true.

As a result, you will get the following items:

"faceLandmarks": {
    "pupilLeft": {
        "x": 412.7,
        "y": 78.4
    "pupilRight": {
        "x": 446.8,
        "y": 74.2
    "noseTip": {
        "x": 437.7,
        "y": 92.4
    "mouthLeft": {
        "x": 417.8,
        "y": 114.4
    "mouthRight": {
        "x": 451.3,
        "y": 109.3
    "eyebrowLeftOuter": {
        "x": 397.9,
        "y": 78.5
    "eyebrowLeftInner": {
        "x": 425.4,
        "y": 70.5
    "eyeLeftOuter": {
        "x": 406.7,
        "y": 80.6
    "eyeLeftTop": {
        "x": 412.2,
        "y": 76.2
    "eyeLeftBottom": {
        "x": 413.0,
        "y": 80.1
    "eyeLeftInner": {
        "x": 418.9,
        "y": 78.0
    "eyebrowRightInner": {
        "x": 4.8,
        "y": 69.7
    "eyebrowRightOuter": {
        "x": 5.5,
        "y": 68.5
    "eyeRightInner": {
        "x": 441.5,
        "y": 75.0
    "eyeRightTop": {
        "x": 446.4,
        "y": 71.7
    "eyeRightBottom": {
        "x": 447.0,
        "y": 75.3
    "eyeRightOuter": {
        "x": 451.7,
        "y": 73.4
    "noseRootLeft": {
        "x": 428.0,
        "y": 77.1
    "noseRootRight": {
        "x": 435.8,
        "y": 75.6
    "noseLeftAlarTop": {
        "x": 428.3,
        "y": 89.7
    "noseRightAlarTop": {
        "x": 442.2,
        "y": 87.0
    "noseLeftAlarOutTip": {
        "x": 424.3,
        "y": 96.4
    "noseRightAlarOutTip": {
        "x": 446.6,
        "y": 92.5
    "upperLipTop": {
        "x": 437.6,
        "y": 105.9
    "upperLipBottom": {
        "x": 437.6,
        "y": 108.2
    "underLipTop": {
        "x": 436.8,
        "y": 111.4
    "underLipBottom": {
        "x": 437.3,
        "y": 114.5

If you need to use these details later if you persist the face, I can suggest 2 options:

  • host on your subscription a database where you will store these settings and the persistedFaceId
  • or pass those values in the userData field when you are persisting the values. This field is: User-specified data about the face list for any purpose. The maximum length is 1KB. Then you can get those fields later using Get method