
When, in Spring Tool Suite, I try to run my project with Weblogic 12 I get this error: Project facet Dynamic Web Module 4.0 is not supported by this server

  1. Inside org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml I turned <installed facet="jst.web" version="4.0"/> into <installed facet="jst.web" version="3.1"/> but after doing maven->update project the version came back to 4.

  2. I tried also to change the version here, but I get the error: Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.1 enter image description here

  3. I even tried to uncheck Dynamic Web Module (as suggested in another post) but I get the error: Dynamic Web Module 4.0 cannot be uninstalled

Does anybody know how to solde the problem?


1 Answers


I just recently had the same problem. The Dynamic Web Module is set by Maven according to your version of javax.servlet-api. Since Spring Boot 2.1.x imports Servlet-API version 4.0, Maven changes the project facet to match it.

Set Spring Boot's version to 2.0.8 or newer, which uses Servlet-API 3.1, and you'll be able to deploy your app to Weblogic 12c via Eclipse.