
I have a data set with columns corresponding to Country (Aus/NZ), Sent, Opened, Open Rate (=Opened/Sent) over the months.

I can calculate Sent & Open by summing up the values & Open Rate by diving those two.

enter image description here

Is it possible to create a calculated field Open Rate_Aus which holds the value of Open Rate for AU only.

I tried using expressions as below but in vain. It throws error saying 'can't mix aggregate & non-aggregate in IF expressions'

{FIXED [Country] : max(IF [Country] = 'AU' THEN [Open Rate] END)}

3 Answers


Why not just filter for AU ? Personally I don't like hard-coding values like that because you will then need a NZ version in the future and it just makes Tableau slow.

BUT, if you still need to, try this:

{FIXED [Country] : max(IF attr([Country]) = 'AU' THEN [Open Rate] END)}


No problem. But I'll hopefully answer your question and then give you another fun solution.

I'd use the formula...

IF [Country] = 'AU' THEN [Open Rate] END

And the Open Rate calculation is:

[Open] / [Sent]

The solution looks like this...

enter image description here

The alternative (more fun) solution would be to create a parameter based off your Country dimension.

enter image description here

Or just type the exact Countries in, so it looks like this before you click OK.

enter image description here

Then you can create a more dynamic Open Rate by the Chosen Country so users can choose.

enter image description here


One thing I wanted to add about avoiding the hardcoding of country name would be to maintain the list in a separate csv or Excel file and join it in your data source. This way you can add or remove countries without publishing the views.