I'm having some difficulty loading a Cypher file into Neo4J in Windows 10. The file in question is a 175 Mb .cql file filled with more than a million lines of nodes and edges (separated by semicolons) in the Cypher language -- CREATE [node], that sort of thing. For smaller items, I have been using an APOC command in the web browser:
call apoc.cypher.runFile('file:///<file path>')
but this is too slow for a million+ query file. I've created indexes for the nodes, and am currently running it through a command:
neo4j-shell -file <file path> -path localhost
but this is still slow. I was wondering, is there any way to speed up the intake?
Also, note that I am using an recent ONGDB build, rather than straight Neo4J; I do not believe this will make any substantial difference.