I have some rows in my NSOutlineView that I would like to be permanently hidden (for reasons to do with my data structure).
On 10.13, using automatic row heights and auto layout, I was able to simply have no view for some rows of data, and so they were hidden to the user.
Now I am making my app available on 10.11, so I am having to manually calculate row heights. The NSOutlineViewDelegate function 'heightOfRowByItem' insists on a non-zero row height, so I can no longer have completely hidden rows in the same way.
The NSTableView 'hideRows' method would seem to be an alternative. It can hide a specific row without hiding its children (perfect in my case). The only issue is that everything seems to 'unhide' the moment I drag rows.
Does anyone know either: - How to stop rows being unhidden on drag (I can't see any documentation) - Some other approach to having invisible rows in an NSTableView/NSOutlineView.
Thank you
is a mess and the documentation is getting worse. Is it possible for the datasource to filter the data? – Willeke