we have ( 3 kafka machines )
kafka brokers id's - are ( 101 , 102 ,103 )
ambari version - 2.6.1
hadoop version 2.6.5
29 datanode machines
3 journal machines ( master machines )
when we run the following command
kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper –describe
we see the description of the leaders and replications
but what is wrong here is we see only two leaders for each topic
in our case the topic name - MLK_PLW_QA , but the same situation is on all the topics
Topic:MLK_PLW_QA PartitionCount:100 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:retention.bytes=9239504949
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 0 Leader: 102 Replicas: 102,101,103 Isr: 101,102,103
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 1 Leader: 102 Replicas: 103,102,101 Isr: 101,102
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 2 Leader: 101 Replicas: 101,103,102 Isr: 101,102,103
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 3 Leader: 102 Replicas: 102,103,101 Isr: 101,102,103
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 4 Leader: 101 Replicas: 103,101,102 Isr: 101,102
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 5 Leader: 101 Replicas: 101,102,103 Isr: 101,102,103
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 6 Leader: 102 Replicas: 102,101,103 Isr: 101,102,103
Topic: MLK_PLW_QA Partition: 7 Leader: 102 Replicas: 103,102,101 Isr: 101,102
I must to say that this situation not appears before couple days , and we see all leaders 101 , 102 , 103 ( from kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper –describe )
what are the reasons that broker id - 103 not appears as leader ?
note - all kafka brokers services are running ( we can see that from ambari gui )