
we have ( 3 kafka machines )

kafka brokers id's - are ( 101 , 102 ,103 )

ambari version - 2.6.1

hadoop version 2.6.5

29 datanode machines

3 journal machines ( master machines )

when we run the following command

kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper

we see the description of the leaders and replications

but what is wrong here is we see only two leaders for each topic

in our case the topic name - MLK_PLW_QA , but the same situation is on all the topics

Topic:MLK_PLW_QA    PartitionCount:100  ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:retention.bytes=9239504949
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 0    Leader: 102 Replicas: 102,101,103   Isr: 101,102,103
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 1    Leader: 102 Replicas: 103,102,101   Isr: 101,102
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 2    Leader: 101 Replicas: 101,103,102   Isr: 101,102,103
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 3    Leader: 102 Replicas: 102,103,101   Isr: 101,102,103
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 4    Leader: 101 Replicas: 103,101,102   Isr: 101,102
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 5    Leader: 101 Replicas: 101,102,103   Isr: 101,102,103
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 6    Leader: 102 Replicas: 102,101,103   Isr: 101,102,103
    Topic: MLK_PLW_QA   Partition: 7    Leader: 102 Replicas: 103,102,101   Isr: 101,102

I must to say that this situation not appears before couple days , and we see all leaders 101 , 102 , 103 ( from kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper –describe )

what are the reasons that broker id - 103 not appears as leader ?

note - all kafka brokers services are running ( we can see that from ambari gui )


1 Answers


One possibility, node with broker id 103 may be crashed/stopped or was down for a while. So cluster did a rebalance and selected the new leader from available nodes. Even though now broker 103 is alive, cluster controller didn't change the leadership of topics to optimize the computing.