I am trying to load a list of parquet files into a BigQuery table, but I am getting an error:
bq --location=EU load --source_format=PARQUET project:Input.k_2017_11_new "gs://my_bucket/2017_11/11/*.parquet"
Waiting on bqjob_r557b5eb5986df8a0_0000016855915d09_1 ... (34s) Current status: DONE
BigQuery error in load operation: Error processing job 'project:bqjob_r557b5eb5986df8a0_0000016855915d09_1': Error while reading data, error message: incompatible types for field 'data.list.element.p': INT32 in Parquet vs. double in schema
I actually do not need the field that is causing the error, but cannot find a way to skip this column.
Is there a solution to this problem?
I have tried specifying the schema with a json file, and forcing this field to FLOAT, or INT64, STRING, but nothing works so far.