
I'm using firebase authentication, and my navbar is depend on if user is logged in or not. When i load the website, if user not logged out before, he should still stay as logged in.But, Firebase onAuthStateChanged listener returns user after 100-300ms, so my navbar can't decide if user is logged in or not.So, navbar shows login and signup button for 300ms, then firebase returns user, and navbar shows dashboard and logout button.

I'm using vue, I've tried saving UID and username on localstorage, but i'm concerning about security. what if someone manually changed localstorage data? Also, user may logged out, but stay logged in my manually setting localStorage.setItem('user', ....)


<div v-if="user.uid" class="flex row space-b">
   // userpic, photo, logout button
<div v-else>
   // login and signup button 


state: {
user: {
  uid: null,
  photoURL: null,
  username: null,

I tried not to mount Vue instance until onAuthStateChanged listener returns something, but this can't be a good solution, hence i'm rendering website nearly 300ms late.


1 Answers


Anyway, i saved it in cookie. when website loads, if cookie is exists i render navbar as if user logged in, and then double check after firebase listener returns