I'm implementing a K-means algorithm in C. It works well most of the time, but debugging it with Valgrind tell me that I'm doing an "Invalid read of size 8 - Invalid write of size 8 - Invalid read of size 8" using '''memcpy''' at the beginning. I think the problem isn't there, but where I assign a value to the multidimensional float array element, which memory is dynamically allocated with '''malloc''' with a for loop at some point. 'Cause Valgrind also tell "Address 0x572c380 is 0 bytes after a block of size 80 alloc'd".
I've tried to add 1 to the number of bytes that I allocate, cause I thought that maybe '''malloc''' "needed" more memory to do its job, but nothing changed. I know maybe it's a basic error, but I'm quite new to the language and at my course it wasn't explain anything so "technical". I've tried to search the answer and explanation of the error but I have only found problems with '''char''' arrays, and with those I'd understood the function '''strcpy''' can resolve the issue. What about float arrays? It's the first time a use '''memcpy'''.
Here are pieces of code that raise those Valgrind messages.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void main(){
FILE* fp; //used to open a .txt file to read
char buf[100];
float ** a;
char * s;
int i;
int j;
int rows = 10;
fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
perror("Error at open file.");
a = (float**) malloc(rows*sizeof(float*));
for(i=0; i<rows; i++){
s = fgets(buf, 100, fp); //reading .txt file
if (s==NULL){
a[i] = malloc(dim*sizeof(float));
a[i][0] = atof(strtok(s, ","));
for(j=1; j<dim; j++){
a[i][j] = atof(strtok(NULL,",")); //save as float value the token read from a line in file, for example, from line "1.0,2.0,3.0" as first line -> get a[0][1] = 2.0
m = (float**) malloc(rows*sizeof(float*));
for (i=0; i<rows; i++){
m[i]=malloc(dim*sizeof(float)); //not initialized
memcpy(m, a, rows*dim*sizeof(float));
Can someone also help me understand why it works but Valgrind raises these error messages?
call does not do what you apparently think it does. It does a byte-wise copy from the source, which is a shallow copy. – Some programmer duderighe
variable, justrows
– erikamemcpy
, in this case? Should I memcpy every float ina[i][j]
with a for loop or it's the same issue? – erika