in my Ionic app, I implemented the geolocation watchPosition with the following options. My options are set to fire every 10 seconds, but its firing every second. And often it fires two times per second.
function watchPosition() {
var options = {
maximumAge: 10000,
timeout: 10000,
enableHighAccuracy: true,
watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccess, onError, options);
function onSuccess(pos) {
function onError(error) {
And when my device is ready, I trigger the watchPosition function with an addListener:
Original call was like this: var watchID = null ; document.addEventListener("deviceready", watchPosition);
I then changed to this:
document.addEventListener("deviceready",setupWatch) ;
function setupWatch() {
// global var here so it can be cleared on logout (or whenever).
activeWatch = setInterval(watchPosition, 5000);
And it is still firing every second.
Then I replaced the addEventListener
simply with, I realized the eventListener was already inside of Ionics $ionicPlatform.ready() { .. }
thus an eventListener wasn't needed. However, just calling this now triggers the watchPosition like 5 times per second, not once per 5 seconds.:
setupWatch() ;
Additional question regarding best practices for watchPosition. What is the ideal timeout for continuing to call this every second OK, is it too much load/processing, does it drain batteries faster, etc?