I have this promela code and I need to model message duplication and message corruption and also I need to add mechanisms to detect and cope with corrupted messages and duplicates message
from my reading, I found that I need to add new processes one to duplicate message and another one for message corruption. Also for detecting the duplicate, I need to add a sequential number and for corrupting, I need to add checksum. my skills in pormela couldn't help me to transfer this information to code. if you can help or know a useful website to help I will appreciate
chan linkA = [1] of {byte};
chan linkB = [1] of {byte};
proctype sender (chan link; byte first)
{ byte n=first;
:: n <= 10 -> link!n; n=n+2
:: else -> break
proctype receiver ()
{ byte m, totaleven, totalodd;
:: linkA?m -> totaleven=totaleven+m
:: linkB?m -> totalodd=totalodd+m
run sender (linkA,2);
run sender (linkB,1);
run receiver ()