
I have an Apollo GraphQL service that delegates to an internal gRPC service. This service has an endpoint which returns a message that contains a oneof, which I'm mapping to a Union in GraphQL.

This is straightforward, but there's a fair degree of boilerplate involved when implementing the resolvers. Suppose I have the following protobuf message definition:

message MyUnionMessage {
  oneof value {
    UnionType1 type1 = 1;
    UnionType1 type2 = 3;
    UnionType1 type3 = 4;
message UnionType1 {<type 1 props>}
message UnionType2 {<type 2 props>}
message UnionType3 {<type 3 props>}

My corresponding GraphQL schema looks something like this:

union MyUnionType = UnionType1 | UnionType2 | UnionType3
type UnionType1 {<type 1 props>}
type UnionType1 {<type 2 props>}
type UnionType1 {<type 3 props>}

In the javascript binding for gRPC, a MyUnionMessage object will have two properties: value which is a string indicating which type of value is contained, and a property named for the type. So, if I had a MyUnionMessage containing a UnionType2, for example, the object would look like this:

  value: 'type2',
  type2: {...}

This is nice for implementing __resolveType, since I can do a simple switch on the value in value, but I then have to write a resolver for all of the fields of all of the concrete types.

What I'm looking for is to be able to so something like this:

resolvers = {
  MyUnionType: {
    __resolveType(obj) {
      switch(obj.value) {
      case 'type1': return 'UnionType1';
      case 'type2': return 'UnionType2';
      case 'type3': return 'UnionType3';
      default: return null;
    __resolveValue(obj) {
      return obj[obj.value];

Basically, I want to write a "resolver" at the level of the generic union (or interface) type that transforms the object before it's passed to the concrete resolver.

Is such a thing possible?


1 Answers


I'd wager that this sort of scenario is typically solved by transforming the data before it hits the __resolveType logic. For example, say you had a Query field that returned a list of MyUnionType. Your resolver for that field might look something like:

function resolve (arr) {
  return arr.map(obj => {
    return {
      type: obj.value // or whatever field name that won't cause a collision

You then switch on type inside of __resolveType and you're good to go. Of course, that means if you have multiple fields that return a MyUnionType, you'll want to extract that logic into a utility function that can be used by each resolver.

I don't think there's not really a way to do what you're trying to do with the existing API. You could, of course, do something like this:

const getUnionType(obj) {
  switch(obj.value) {
    case 'type1': return 'UnionType1';
    case 'type2': return 'UnionType2';
    case 'type3': return 'UnionType3';
    default: {
      throw new Error(`Unrecognized type ${obj.value}`)

const resolvers = {
  MyUnionType: {
    __resolveType(obj) {
      const type = getUnionType(obj)
      Object.assign(obj, obj[obj.value])
      return type

This works, but keep in mind it is a bit fragile since it assumes resolveType will always get the same root value as the resolve function, which could hypothetically change in the future.