
I want to create a custom login command. I've added the command to my commands.js file, and also have the import command added to index.js.

When I create a new test file under my integration folder, I try to reference my new command with cy.loginWith(), but it is not recognizing it as a command.

If I add import ../../../support/commands to the top of my new login spec file, the cy.loginWith() custom command is recognized and invoked correctly.
However I know this is not a good thing to do.

This is my custom command in my commands.js file:

Cypress.Commands.add('loginWith' , (email, password) => {

This is my index.js file:

import "./commands.js"

This is my list.js spec file that sits under /cypress/integration/clients/client list/lists:

/// <reference types="Cypress" />

import "../../../support/commands"

// login to the app
it('A User logs in and sees a welcome message', () => {
    cy.loginWith('username', 'password')
    expect(cy.contains('Welcome back!'))


Is there something I may have misconfigured that is not recognizing the index.js file?

Is the value for supportFile in cypress.json pointing to your index.js file? If it is not set, have you moved index.js from its default location?Brendan
The only thing in my cypress.json is: { "requestTimeout": 25000}tonyrocks
is the index.js file located at [project root directory]/cypress/support/index.js?Brendan
Yes, it is. Should it be someplace else?tonyrocks
No, that's the default location, where it should be. I was checking that it has not been moved - then Cypress wouldn't be able to hook it up. I am not sure why it can't be foundBrendan

5 Answers


My issue was that intellisense worked fine and everything ran perfectly after doing:

import '../support/commands';

My fix was very simple... just add supportFile to your cypress.json:

  "supportFile": "cypress/support/index.ts",
  "baseUrl": "http://localhost:3000"

I restarted Cypress, and selected the proper project folder and now things are working. I guess for me, the solution was to make sure you select the correct project folder. Thanks to all of your suggestions though.


I had the same problem. Turns out I forgot to prefix the function with cy. Double check to make sure that you are not calling the function with just the name


I ran into the same problem, but my cause seems to be different. Nevertheless, I add my problem and solution for those that run into the same issue, as the apparent result is the same error.

I had used IntelliJ compile typescript command, this generates a corresponding companion commands.js file next to the source commands.ts file. Intellij hides these files in the ui, but you can click on the > next to the file to show them. For some reason the import './commands' prefers to load the commands.js, which wasn't updated automatically and was missing the function, instead of the .ts file. Deleting the companion .js file resolved my issue.


None of the above worked for me, but this worked:

    declare global {
  namespace Cypress {
    interface Chainable {
      customCommand: typeof customCommand;

function customCommand(input: MyCustomClass) {
  // ...

Cypress.Commands.add('customCommand', customCommand);

got the answer here: https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-documentation/issues/2565