
I have a web based .Net application whose artifacts are being uploaded to Azure cloud through FTP Upload task. The issue is, it does upload the artifact but it is a zip file. How can I have it unzipped over the target location as there is no option of unzipping in FTP upload task. I do not have the FQDN or IP of the Azure cloud server as it a PaaS based infrastructure, all I have is FTP location.


3 Answers


You cannot unzip file on FTP server. No matter what client/library/framework you are using. FTP protocol simply does not allow that.

See also:


Based on my understanding, if you want to use Azure DevOPs FTP Upload task you need a FTP server address, username and password.

If it is that case, you could use the Azure logic App FTP(add or modify file) trigger to extract the file.

enter image description here

If it is not working for you and Azure storage is acceptable.

My workaround is that you could use the [Azure File copy] task to copy the file to your azure storage. Then you can control it by yourselves, for example: you could use the Azure function blob trigger to extract the file with you customized code.


The question is quite vague, but it sound like you might be trying to upload to an Azure WebApp which has FTP and also zip deploy functionality that uses the Kudu interface.


Using this Azure CLI command it will push your zip and deploy/unpack it into the WebApp for you.

PS. It's impossible to FTP without a DNS name or IP so you will have one of them in specified in the FTP location you've been given