I am trying to add new master , and I copy cert and keys i.e. /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.crt from current master to a new one. I noticed that after I do 'kubeadm init --config=config.yaml' this key (probably all of them) is changing (kubeadm init itself is successful).. Why is this happening and could it be a root cause of my new master being in NotReady status ?
systemctl status kubelet shows a lot of *Failed to list v1.Node: Unauthorized, *Failed to list v1.Secret: Unauthorized..
docker@R90HE73F:~$ kubectl get nodes
k8s-master-0 Ready master 7d1h v1.13.1
k8s-master-1 Ready master 7d v1.13.1
k8s-master-2 NotReady master 104m v1.13.1
k8s-worker-0 Ready <none> 7d v1.13.1
k8s-worker-1 Ready <none> 7d v1.13.1
k8s-worker-2 Ready <none> 7d v1.13.1
Btw etcd cluster is healthy