I wan't to create a Runbook that will start a specific (or parameter controlled) VM, and then run a script (locally or from blob storage) on the VM.
I have checked a lot of documentation, but so far without luck in getting it to work.
What I got so far under the same Resource Group:
VM created
Automation account created incl. Run As account
Azure Automation solution (OMS)
Credential (to my own account) under the automation account
Used several Runbook galleries and other code examples using functions as e.g. Start-AzureVM ... Invoke-Command ...
Anyone of you good people out there who can sample a guideline on what is needed depending on methods being used?
The VM start part is working, but I cannot get the login + executing of script to work!
I'm not a high skilled developer, and I have even doubts about choosing between the script languages in Azure.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks, Tom
New-SSHSession + Invoke-SSHCommand
Code taken from e.g. gallary "Connect-AzureVM"