So I wanted to create a validator password and confirm password (two fields value should be the same).
This is reachable by create a crosse field validator which get these 2 formControls and compare their values by following this tutorial
export function fieldMatcherValidator(field1: string, field2: string): ValidatorFn {
return (control: AbstractControl): {[key: string]: boolean} | null => {
const checkControl = control.get(field1);
const confirmControl = control.get(field2);
if (checkControl.pristine || confirmControl.pristine) {
return null;
//.....more code compare values
then, I can set up a reactive form way in my component:
this.passwordForm ={
password: new FormControl(undefined, [Validators.required]),
confirmPassword: new FormControl(undefined, [Validators.required])
, {validator: fieldMatcherValidator('password', 'confirmPassword')}
---- above code works perfect in reactive forms
My question is: how to write a Directive for the validator so that I can use it in a Template Driven Way also.
I tried to write a Directive like following, but this validator is not suppose to work on formControl, but should be on formGroup. The following directive can't grab the formGroup and it's controls, so I can't validate the formControls values.
selector: '[cmFieldMatcher]',
providers: [
{provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: FieldMatcherDirective, multi: true}
export class FieldMatcherDirective implements Validator {
@Input() field1: string;
@Input() field2: string;
validator: ValidatorFn;
constructor() {
this.validator = fieldMatcherValidator(this.field1, this.field2);
validate(control: AbstractControl) {
return this.validator(control);
When I use it in a template like this, I have no luck to get abstractControl instance...
<form #form="ngForm" cmFieldMatcher [field1]="'password2'" [field2]="'confirmPassword2'">
<cm-password-input name="password2" ngModel #password2="ngModel" [label]="'Password'" required [strengthLevel]="passwordStrength" [messages]="passwordMessages">
<cm-form-field-error key="fieldMatch" [message]="'Password doesnt match'"></cm-form-field-error>
<cm-input [type]="'password'" name="confirmPassword2" ngModel #confirmPassword2="ngModel" required [label]="'Confirm Password'" [theme]="'primary'">
<cm-form-field-error key="fieldMatch" [message]="'Password doesnt match'"></cm-form-field-error>