I've been writing a wrapper library for Vulkan targeting MacOS. It was going fine until I hit this obstacle. There's a call to SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface
which is supposed to return a pointer to a surface VkSurfaceKHR. However, the returned pointer is not a memory address, but rather the number 1. At first I thought this could be a bug with SDL, but then I noticed another call to another Vulkan API is returning 2. I am out of options now and I'm hoping it's something I can fix on my end. This is the output:
1== CREATE VULKAN INSTANCE Enabling extensions: VK_KHR_surface VK_MVK_macos_surface === 2== CREATE PHYSICAL DEVICE Created GPU (Physical device): 0x00007fe23b81e380 3== CREATE SURFACE (Metal->MoltenVK) Created Surface: 0x0000000000000001 4== CREATE DEVICE Chosen queue Family is 0 Created Device: 0x00007fe23c017a10 5== CREATE COMMAND POOL Created Command Pool: 0x0000000000000002 6== CREATE COMMAND BUFFER Created Command Buffer: 0x00007fe23a4d2bd0 7== CREATE SWAPCHAIN Segmentation fault: 11
The responsible function is this:
func createVulkanSurface() throws -> Surface {
var surface = VkSurfaceKHR(bitPattern: 0)
if SDL_Vulkan_CreateSurface(window, self.instance!.pointer, &surface) != SDL_TRUE {
throw lastSDLError()
return Surface(instance: self.instance!, surface: surface!)
The code is here: https://github.com/alexanderuv/vulkanSwift
Specific code above is here: https://github.com/alexanderuv/vulkanSwift/blob/master/Sources/SwiftSDL2/Window.swift#L198
Any help will be appreciated!