
I have two app service plans running in the same region, same resource group and in the same subscription. I have a web app in app service plan a, that I want to move to app service plan b. When clicking Change App Service Plan, the Portal tells me that "No App Service Plans Found".

App service plan a is running on Standard: 1 Small. App service plan b is running on Standard: 2 Large. Changing app service plan a to Standard: 1 Large, doesn't make app service plan b show up when trying to move the app service.

What could be the problem here?

Are both service plans the same pricing tier? Maybe you can't move to lower service plan, because some features you are using are not available thereLiero
I've updated the question with that info.ThomasArdal
@ThomasArdal - The simplest route is to just redeploy your app into the other app service plan, and remove it from the existing service plan.David Makogon
it does, its an advice to just recreate the webapp, because that will be faster and easier. or not deal with the webapps at all. because they are what they are. overpriced, weird monstrosities. and you just confirmed it. btw your comment right after mine looks hypocrite, aint it? since you just confirmed what I told the OP4c74356b41
i never claimed you did. but the bottom line of your comment - recreate the webapp. exactly what I said. because figuring out why that doesnt work will take a lot more effort because of the nature of the web apps. @DavidMakogon my rationale for that comes from 4+ years of Azure experience, I feel pretty confident about my feelings towards web apps. they deserved that4c74356b41

2 Answers


I'm pretty sure I found out why I cannot move my app service between plans. Besides resource groups, subscriptions and regions, there is a concept called Webspaces. As I understand it, a webspace is a number of physical servers within the same rack or something similar. In order to move app services between plans, the app services needs to be within the same webspace too.


You have to check the webspace between the 2 App Service Plans. Are there identical? You might move (multiple times) your App Service Plan to different Ressource Group but the webspace is based on your original Resource Group (when you created this App Service Plan the first time)

You might have also deleted your original Resource Group, so you might have to recreate it? (I have never tried this case, but it should create in the same webspace then)

To check I use PowerShell command:

Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId <Your Subscription Guid>

Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceId "/subscriptions/<SUB-ID>/resourceGroups/<RG-NAME>/resources" | Select Name, ResourceName, @{Name='webSpace'; Expression={$_.Properties.webSpace}} | Format-List

For the name space, you will get something like:

Name           : Consoto_AppServicePlan
ResourceName   : Consoto_ResourceGroup
webSpace       : Consoto-SouthCentralUSwebspace

(Supposed that the location is South Central US)

So if you want to move your App Service to another App Service Plan name, you will have to create a new App Service Plan in the Resource Group named "Consoto" (refer to my example above) in the Location South Central US in the same subscription of course. Then you will be able to use the Change App Service Plan functionality in the Azure Portal