
I'm trying to build a gatsby static website from an Azure Dev ops build definition.

AzureDev ops provides a gulp task so I'm trying to create a simple gulpfile to wrap the build process of gatsby.

Right now I tried :

const gatbsyCli = require('gatsby-cli/lib/create-cli');

function gatsbyBuild() {
    gatbsyCli([ 'build' ]);

exports.gatsbyBuild = gatsbyBuild;

However, the task only show the command line help:

Usage: gulp.js <command> [options]

  gulp.js develop                   Start development server. Watches files, rebuilds, and hot reloads if something
  gulp.js build                     Build a Gatsby project.
  gulp.js serve                     Serve previously built Gatsby site.
  gulp.js info                      Get environment information for debugging and issue reporting
  gulp.js repl                      Get a node repl with context of Gatsby environment, see (add docs link here)
  gulp.js new [rootPath] [starter]  Create new Gatsby project.

  --verbose      Turn on verbose output                                                       [boolean] [default: false]
  --no-color     Turn off the color in output                                                 [boolean] [default: false]
  -h, --help     Show help                                                                                     [boolean]
  -v, --version  Show version number                                                                           [boolean]

Pass --help to see all available commands and options.
[22:28:15] The following tasks did not complete: gatsbyBuild
[22:28:15] Did you forget to signal async completion?

How to build a gatsby site from gulp ?

Is there any better way to reach my goal ?

[Edit] Also tried:

const gatbsyBuildImpl = require('gatsby/dist/commands/build.js');

function gatsbyBuild() {

exports.gatsbyBuild = gatsbyBuild;

but fails with TypeError: Cannot read property 'openTracingConfigFile' of undefined


[Edit 2019-02-02] Regarding answers, here's update regarding my progress.

First, I try to use NPM action to build the site, as suggested.

However, it fails with the following error:

2019-02-02T21:13:22.3306376Z [command]/usr/local/bin/npm run build
2019-02-02T21:13:27.6097839Z error GraphQL Error There was an error while compiling your site's GraphQL queries.
2019-02-02T21:13:27.6099612Z   Error: RelayParser: Encountered duplicate defintitions for one or more documents: each document must have a unique name. Duplicated documents:
2019-02-02T21:13:27.6100019Z > [email protected] build /home/vsts/work/1/s
2019-02-02T21:13:27.6100847Z - DefaultSEOQuery
2019-02-02T21:13:27.6100902Z > gatsby build

However, I don't understand this error. The site perfectly builds locally.

My gatbsy-node.js query is :

  allMarkdownRemark(sort: {fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC}, limit: 1000) {
    edges {
      node {
        fields {
        frontmatter {
    cats: group(field: frontmatter___categories, limit:1000) {
    tags: group(field: frontmatter___tags, limit:1000) {

Also, here's my yaml definition :

- repo: self    
  name: Hosted Ubuntu 1604    
  demands: npm

- task: Npm@1    
  displayName: 'npm install'    
    verbose: false       

- task: Npm@1    
  displayName: 'npm custom'    
    command: custom        
    verbose: false  
    customCommand: 'run build'

Moving to "Hosted" agent, throw another error:

019-02-02T21:52:17.2419822Z [0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2419867Z [0m  [0m[97m[41mError[0m[37m[41m:[0m[37m[41m [0m[97m[41m0-0cf4e58448448331aa6c.js from Terser[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2421623Z [0m  [0m[97m[41mTypeError: Cannot read property 'minify' of undefined[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2421678Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at minify (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\terser-webpack-plugin\dist\minify.js:175:[0m  [0m[97m[41m22)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2421746Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at TaskRunner.boundWorkers.error [as boundWorkers] (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\[0m  [0m[97m[41mterser-webpack-plugin\dist\TaskRunner.js:68:40)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2421794Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at enqueue (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\terser-webpack-plugin\dist\TaskRunner.js[0m  [0m[97m[41m:89:14)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2421841Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at tryCatcher (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2421906Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\re[0m  [0m[97m[41mlease\promise.js:512:31)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2421954Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at Promise._settlePromise (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promi[0m  [0m[97m[41mse.js:569:18)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422390Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at Promise._settlePromise0 (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\prom[0m  [0m[97m[41mise.js:614:10)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422463Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at Promise._settlePromises (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\prom[0m  [0m[97m[41mise.js:690:18)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422512Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at _drainQueueStep (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:138[0m  [0m[97m[41m:12)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422560Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at _drainQueue (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:131:9)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422626Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at Async._drainQueues (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:[0m  [0m[97m[41m147:5)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422677Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at Immediate.Async.drainQueues (D:\a\1\s\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\[0m  [0m[97m[41masync.js:17:14)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422769Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at runCallback (timers.js:637:20)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422832Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:610:5)[0m
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2422878Z [0m  [0m[97m[41m    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:582:5)[0m

npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] build script 'gatsby build'.
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2430701Z npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2430849Z npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the gatsby-starter-blog package,
2019-02-02T21:52:17.2431116Z npm ERR! not with npm itself.
Can you provide your build yaml?Edward Thomson
I don't have a yml file. I use the GUI in the portal to build my pipeline. Actually, I tried to create a yml file but didn't find a good quickstartSteve B
You can export the visual designer data to yaml - if you click "Edit" on the pipeline, there should be a "View YAML" button at the top right of the designer (when you have the "Pipeline" options selected on the left, which should be the default).Edward Thomson
@EdwardThomson: thanks for the tips. This export is a good starting point to understand how yaml works. I've edited the question to add this file content.Steve B
1. When gatsby develop is running fine on your local machine please try: to run "gatsby build" on your local machine. 2. Try it with a gatsby starter without changes from your siderubeonline

1 Answers


You can simply use npm. Two build steps are enough for the first start:

  1. Install dependencies

    npm install

  2. build

    npm run build

Before you can do that your package.json need the following script (which is in every gatsbyJS Boilerplate available):

enter image description here