This article ( talks about a technique for sharding global secondary index values across multiple partitions, by introducing a random integer as the partition key.
That makes sense to me, but the article does not clearly explain how to then query that index. Let's say I'm using a random integer from 1-10 as the partition key, and a number as the sort key, and I want to fetch the 3 records with the highest sort key value (from all partitions).
Would I need to do 10 separate queries, sorting each one, with a limit of 3 items, then do an in-memory sort of the resulting 30 items and pick the first 3? That seems needlessly complicated, and not very efficient for the client.
Is there some way to do a single DynamoDB operation that queries all 10 partitions, does the sorting, and just returns the 3 records with the highest vavlue?