
Could anyone advice please, what could be the cause of such problem:

After each restart of Oracle SQL developer NLS_LANGUAGE settings are being reset each time. For example, when just opening a new session, NLS_LANGUAGE is set to LATVIAN and each time when starting SQL Dev, we need to run "alter session set NLS_LANGUAGE = 'AMERICAN'" to set it back to American.

Even that in Options -> NLS everywhere is set American.

We've checked all main lanaguage/location/region settings and set American everywhere, but still after re-launch only NLS_LANGUAGE setting is being reset, rest (like NLS_TERRITORY) are fine.

What hasn't been changed that triggers each time that reset?

You set it in the oracle db via query, or you choose it in some client query tool options panel?Caius Jard
In the sql developer's preferences (then it's query tool), yes.Yuriy T.
version of sqldev? and tell me about your machine - is the machine's regional settings set to a Latvian environment? are other settings being reset as well, or JUST this one? change another setting and see if it persists - could be just a matter or OS privs to where we write the preferences tothatjeffsmith
If the SQL Developer NLS prefs show American on launch, but your sessions are opened in Latvian - do you have a database or schema after-logon trigger that is altering the session?Alex Poole
do you have checkbox at the bottom of the preference panel on or off? 'SKIP NLS SETTINGS'thatjeffsmith

1 Answers


You can change in Preferences. Search for NLS and change Language to AMERICAN