I am trying to read message from Kafka Topic. Message are in below format (sample format):
Also, please note topic has message from different tables and not just 1 table.
What I am trying to achieve is to read above message from Kafka Topic using Spark Structured Streaming and create a dataframe with column names ad its value both coming from JSON message itself.
I don't want to explicitly define a schema using case class or StructType.
I tried this:
val df = spark.readStream.format("kafka").option("kafka.bootstrap.servers", brokers).option("subscribe", "topic1").option("startingOffsets", "earliest").load()
val y=df.select(get_json_object(($"value"), "$.payload").alias("payload")
When I view Y (which is a dataframe), it comes as 1 column with value under payload as JSON in that column.
How to get individual column in a dataframe? I am not achieve this.
(Again reiterating I cannot use a generic case class or StructType for schema part as messages coming through Kafka message are from different tables so I want a more of dynamic Schema created from JSON itself on the run.)
– OneCricketeer