In Terraform, I want to create a route table for an existing subnet. To achieve the desired end result, I need to pull the CIDR/Prefix for the VNET. The VNET CIDR value is not known beforehand, the only values I know before launch is the VNET's name and Resource Group.
I would like to take the VNET CIDR/Prefix and insert it as a destination in the route table.
data "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" {
name = "${var.vnet_name}"
resource_group_name = "${var.vnet_rg}"
module "routetable" {
source = "modules/routetable"
route_table_name = "${var.route_table_name}"
resource_group_name =
location = "eastus"
route_prefixes = ["", "${EXISTING_VNET_CIDR_HERE}"]
route_nexthop_types = ["VirtualAppliance", "VirtualAppliance"]
route_names = ["route1", "route2"]