I get an error running gcloud SDK to set up a service account on the RPi3B+ using the Raspberian OS. I have an account on Google API under the email address of dxxxxx.xxxxx.xx@gmail.com
with an API Key. The following error is generated under the command line:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ gcloud iam service-accounts create dxxxxx.xxxxx.xx
ERROR: (gcloud.iam.service-accounts.create) argument NAME: Bad value [dxxxxx.xxxxx.xx]: Service account name must be between 6 and 30 characters (inclusive), must begin with a lowercase letter, and consist of lowercase alphanumeric characters that can be separated by hyphens. Usage: gcloud iam service-accounts create NAME [optional flags] optional flags may be --display-name | --help
For detailed information on this command and its flags, run: gcloud iam service-accounts create --help
I have met the NAME parameter requirements from what I read in the documentation. All the "x"s are lowercase alpha-numeric.