
In order to use the hcsr-04 ultrasonic sensor using BBB's PRU, I have tried this git : https://github.com/HudsonWerks/Range-Sensor-PRU

I get the error "the PRU failed to open", when I try to start "rangepru". Doing some research, I feel like that is because my PRU is not initialized and that I should do : "echo BB-BONE-PRU-01 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.8/slots" to correct it.

But with the recent debian versions (4.x), the cape manager changed and I found the file "slots" at: /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots ; BUT, there is no way to open, modify it : - using "nano" I get "slots.swp Permission denied" - and by typing the correct echo command (modified from the one above) : I get : "write error: No such file or directory"

Best regards, Elrise


1 Answers


You are probably missing a suitable device tree driver.

Try to follow the instructions on:


related to the compilation and installation of the driver.

If you have a proper development environment, executing make install should do everything for you.