
I am creating Cognito User Pool, User Pool client and domain with terraform. If there is a update to cognito user pool (e.g. attributes), terraform needs to destroy and re-create the three resources, however terraform apply fails with error during destroy of aws_cognito_user_pool_domain:
InvalidParameter: 1 validation error(s) found. - minimum field size of 1, DeleteUserPoolDomainInput.UserPoolId.

Terraform version: 0.11.11
aws provider version: 1.52.0

I have tried manually deleting the domain and running terraform plan/apply but then it fails with 'InvalidParameterException: No such domain or user pool exists.'

resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "admin_cognito_pool" {
  name = "dev-admin-pool"
  alias_attributes    = ["email"]
  auto_verified_attributes = ["email"]
  admin_create_user_config = {
    allow_admin_create_user_only = true

resource "aws_cognito_user_pool_client" "admin_cognito_pool_client" {
  name = "dev-admin-pool-client"
  user_pool_id = "${aws_cognito_user_pool.admin_cognito_pool.id}"
  generate_secret     = false

resource "aws_cognito_user_pool_domain" "admin_cognito_domain" { 
  domain       = "demo-dev"
  user_pool_id = "${aws_cognito_user_pool.admin_cognito_pool.id}" 

Above code will create user pool, user pool client, user pool domain successfully.

Next, modify aws_cognito_user_pool in the above code and run terraform plan/apply

resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "admin_cognito_pool" {
  name = "dev-admin-pool"
  alias_attributes    = ["email"]
  auto_verified_attributes = ["email"]
  admin_create_user_config = {
    allow_admin_create_user_only = true
  schema  = [
      attribute_data_type = "String",
      name                = "family_name",
      required            = true,
      mutable             = true,
      string_attribute_constraints {
          min_length = 6
          max_length = 32

Terraform plan:

-/+ module.aws-383.aws_cognito_user_pool.admin_cognito_pool (new resource required)
      id:                                                      "ap-southeast-2_CFPLxLl5A" => <computed> (forces new resource)
      admin_create_user_config.#:                              "1" => "1"
      admin_create_user_config.0.allow_admin_create_user_only: "true" => "true"
      admin_create_user_config.0.unused_account_validity_days: "7" => "7"
      alias_attributes.#:                                      "" => "1" (forces new resource)
      alias_attributes.881205744:                              "" => "email" (forces new resource)
      arn:                                                     "arn:aws:cognito-idp:ap-southeast-2:xxxxxxxx:userpool/ap-southeast-2_CFPLxLl5A" => <computed>
      auto_verified_attributes.#:                              "1" => "1"
      auto_verified_attributes.881205744:                      "email" => "email"
      creation_date:                                           "2018-12-19T04:49:06Z" => <computed>
      email_verification_message:                              "" => <computed>
      email_verification_subject:                              "" => <computed>
      endpoint:                                                "cognito-idp.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ap-southeast-2_CFPLxLl5A" => <computed>
      lambda_config.#:                                         "0" => <computed>
      last_modified_date:                                      "2018-12-19T04:49:06Z" => <computed>
      mfa_configuration:                                       "OFF" => "OFF"
      name:                                                    "dev-admin-pool" => "dev-admin-pool"
      password_policy.#:                                       "1" => <computed>
      schema.#:                                                "0" => "1" (forces new resource)
      schema.893014206.attribute_data_type:                    "" => "String" (forces new resource)
      schema.893014206.developer_only_attribute:               "" => ""
      schema.893014206.mutable:                                "" => "true" (forces new resource)
      schema.893014206.name:                                   "" => "family_name" (forces new resource)
      schema.893014206.number_attribute_constraints.#:         "" => "0"
      schema.893014206.required:                               "" => "true" (forces new resource)
      schema.893014206.string_attribute_constraints.#:         "" => "0"
      verification_message_template.#:                         "1" => <computed>

-/+ module.aws-383.aws_cognito_user_pool_client.admin_cognito_pool_client (new resource required)
      id:                                                      "2tsed339bl6ds4437n1h0hasr4" => <computed> (forces new resource)
      allowed_oauth_flows.#:                                   "2" => "2"
      allowed_oauth_flows.2645166319:                          "code" => "code"
      allowed_oauth_flows.3465961881:                          "implicit" => "implicit"
      allowed_oauth_flows_user_pool_client:                    "true" => "true"
      allowed_oauth_scopes.#:                                  "2" => "2"
      allowed_oauth_scopes.2517049750:                         "openid" => "openid"
      allowed_oauth_scopes.881205744:                          "email" => "email"
      callback_urls.#:                                         "1" => "1"
      callback_urls.0:                                         "https://qnq2ds22xg.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/staging/admin-portal/redirectUrl/" => "https://qnq2ds22xg.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/staging/admin-portal/redirectUrl/"
      client_secret:                                           "" => <computed>
      explicit_auth_flows.#:                                   "2" => "2"
      explicit_auth_flows.1860959087:                          "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH" => "USER_PASSWORD_AUTH"
      explicit_auth_flows.245201344:                           "ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH" => "ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH"
      generate_secret:                                         "false" => "false"
      name:                                                    "dev-admin-pool-client" => "dev-admin-pool-client"
      refresh_token_validity:                                  "30" => "30"
      supported_identity_providers.#:                          "1" => "1"
      supported_identity_providers.0:                          "COGNITO" => "COGNITO"
      user_pool_id:                                            "ap-southeast-2_CFPLxLl5A" => "${aws_cognito_user_pool.admin_cognito_pool.id}" (forces new resource)

-/+ module.aws-383.aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.admin_cognito_domain (new resource required)
      id:                                                      "demo-dev" => <computed> (forces new resource)
      aws_account_id:                                          "" => <computed>
      cloudfront_distribution_arn:                             "" => <computed>
      domain:                                                  "demo-dev" => "demo-dev"
      s3_bucket:                                               "" => <computed>
      user_pool_id:                                            "" => "${aws_cognito_user_pool.admin_cognito_pool.id}" (forces new resource)
      version:                                                 "" => <computed>

Exact error with terraform apply -

module.aws-383.aws_cognito_user_pool_client.admin_cognito_pool_client: Destroying... (ID: 2tsed339bl6ds4437n1h0hasr4)
module.aws-383.aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.admin_cognito_domain: Destroying... (ID: demo-dev)
module.aws-383.aws_cognito_user_pool_client.admin_cognito_pool_client: Destruction complete after 0s

Error: Error applying plan:

1 error(s) occurred:

* module.aws-383.aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.admin_cognito_domain (destroy): 1 error(s) occurred:

* aws_cognito_user_pool_domain.admin_cognito_domain: InvalidParameter: 1 validation error(s) found.
- minimum field size of 1, DeleteUserPoolDomainInput.UserPoolId.

Terraform should be able to destroy cognito user pool domain which will allow the resources to be re-created.

Can you share the exact error messages you get after the set of steps you perform?ydaetskcoR
@ydaetskcoR thanks for replying. I have updated the description with the steps I am taking and exact error message returned. Please let me know your thoughts.nishant

3 Answers


There's currently a bug in terraform that prevents this: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws/issues/5313

The solution is to delete it manually (aws cli or console) and then manually remove it from the terraform state using the state command.


Apparently, I had to manage deletion of user pool domain outside of terraform via aws cli and update terraform template to create user pool domain.


First use the following command line to find the tfstate ID of the resources/module that causes this issue:

 terraform state list

Then use the next command line to destroy it properly from the tfstate:

terraform state rm '{the_id_from_tf_state_list}'

If you've a locked tfstate use :

terraform force-unlock LOCK_ID