I am working with Drupal's Open social framework where in I copy socialblue theme so that i can do my modifications in the new theme. I followed the below steps, cleared cache, yet I am not able to see my new theme in admin/appearance section.
Steps I followed:
1) I duplicated the theme socialblue (html/profiles/contrib/social/themes/socialblue) to newtheme (html/profiles/contrib/social/themes/newtheme)
2) I did a search (socialblue) and replace (newtheme) inside of “newtheme” directory
3) I changed the names of the following files from “socialblue” to “newtheme"
- newtheme.info.yml
- newtheme.libraries.yml
- newtheme.theme
- config/install/newtheme.settings.yml
4) I created a /html/sites/default/services.yml file from default.services.yml and made the following changes
- twig.config -> debug: true
- twig.config -> auto_reload: true
- twig.config -> cache: false
5) html/profiles/contrib/social/themes/newtheme$ yarn install
6) html/profiles/contrib/social/themes/newtheme$ sudo npm install -g gulp-cli
7) html/profiles/contrib/social/themes/newtheme$ gulp
I do not get any error. I made sure that my newtheme.info file has name newtheme. I also copied this new theme in html/themes/custom/newtheme still no luck. Am I missing something?