
I have a column below that has datatype char(24) but the data contains a date

I want to convert the data to datetime so that I can select the data from the past hour like this:

Where CounterDateTime   >= DateAdd(hour, -1, getDate())

But I keep getting an error:

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string

even if I convert my CounterDateTime to datetime. Please help.

This is my table I want to convert to datetime (currently its char(24)) imgur.com/a/TyFob5N123testing123
What is the format of the date in this column and which version of Sql Server are you using?forpas
I'm using SQL 2016. Format of the date in this column is 2018-12-31 12:11:17.679123testing123

2 Answers


Don't store date/time values as strings. This can cause a problem.

The next big issue is relying on implicit conversion. If you have to convert the values, do so explicitly. So:

Where try_convert(datetime, CounterDateTime) >= DateAdd(hour, -1, getDate())

You clearly have values that cannot be converted. You don't know why. You can find these values using a query:

select CounterDateTime
from t
where try_convert(datetime, CounterDateTime) is null and
      CounterDateTime is not null;

This will return the non-NULL values that cannot be converted.


You can cast the column to datetime like this:

Where CounterDateTime IS NOT NULL AND Cast(RTRIM(LTRIM(CounterDateTime)) as DateTime) >= DateAdd(hour, -1, getDate())

this could also work:

Where CounterDateTime IS NOT NULL AND CONVERT(datetime, RTRIM(LTRIM(CounterDateTime)), 121) >= DateAdd(hour, -1, getDate())

and 1 more:

Where CounterDateTime IS NOT NULL AND try_parse(RTRIM(LTRIM(CounterDateTime)) as DateTime using 'en-US') >= DateAdd(hour, -1, getDate())