
I writing a email client using simple java mail API and it queue for sending but I did not receive any email.

Execution Info:

INFO: SESSION[1] bridging to remote proxy, username: [email protected], proxy bridge @ localhost:1081

My Code:

public void sendEmail() {
        try {
            DataSource fileData = new FileDataSource(new File(".\\report\\Test-Report.html"));

            Email aEmail = EmailBuilder.startingBlank()
                    .from("Peter Wong", "[email protected]")
                    .withSubject("ePQS Automation Testing Report")
                    .withPlainText("Please find the ePQS Automation Testing Report from attachment")
                    .withAttachment("ePQS Automation Test Report", fileData)
                    .withBounceTo("[email protected]")

            Mailer mailer = MailerBuilder
                    .withSMTPServer("smtp.gmail.com", 587, "[email protected]", "1234")
                    .withProxy("", 8080, "[email protected]", crypt.decryptPwd(".\\password\\peter_wong_wims.txt"))
                    .withSessionTimeout(10 * 1000)
                    .clearEmailAddressCriteria() // turns off email validation

            mailer.sendMail(aEmail, true);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LogManager.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Exception: " + ex.getMessage());


I"m behind corporate proxy and connect to internet require this corporate proxy. What is the problem? Please help. A billion thanks in advance.

PS: Occasionally i encounter this error

com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException: Couldn't connect to host, port: smtp.gmail.com, 587; timeout 10000; Using SOCKS host, port: localhost, 1081;


DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail version 1.6.0 Dec 31, 2018 3:40:03 PM org.simplejavamail.mailer.internal.socks.socks5server.AnonymousSocks5Server run INFO: Starting proxy server at port 1081 Dec 31, 2018 3:40:03 PM org.simplejavamail.mailer.internal.socks.socks5server.AnonymousSocks5Server run INFO: waiting for new connection... DEBUG: getProvider() returning javax.mail.Provider[TRANSPORT,smtp,com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport,Oracle] DEBUG SMTP: need username and password for authentication DEBUG SMTP: protocolConnect returning false, host=smtp.gmail.com, user=kwong, password= DEBUG SMTP: useEhlo true, useAuth true DEBUG SMTP: trying to connect to host "smtp.gmail.com", port 465, isSSL false Dec 31, 2018 3:40:03 PM org.simplejavamail.mailer.internal.socks.socks5server.SocksSession INFO: SESSION[1] opened from / Dec 31, 2018 3:40:03 PM org.simplejavamail.mailer.internal.socks.socks5server.AnonymousSocks5Server run INFO: waiting for new connection... Dec 31, 2018 3:40:03 PM org.simplejavamail.mailer.internal.socks.AuthenticatingSocks5Bridge createSocketAuthenticated INFO: SESSION[1] bridging to remote proxy, username: [email protected], proxy bridge @ localhost:1081

Looks like you have firewall on some ports or domain of Gmail... Need to ask permission for itJonathan JOhx
You can test it this code on outside of your company and you shouldn't have issues... JIC you need to active to send messages through API of Gmail.. You can test it doing a ping to "smtp.gmail.com" and test the port 587Jonathan JOhx
I can ping smtp.gmail.com without any problems.nicholas
With that port?Jonathan JOhx
As I mentioned you this can be caused by firewall or something related on it, this answer stackoverflow.com/questions/43511080/… can help you, if that is helpful you can upvote my commentsJonathan JOhx

1 Answers


Check with your proxy, I think it is expecting HTTPS rather than HTTP so it is making delay.