I have a small python program which creates a hdf5 file using the h5py module. I want to write a python module to work on the data from the hdf5 file. How could I do that?
More specifically, I can set the numpy arrays to PyArrayObject and read them using PyArg_ParseTuple. This way, I can read elements from the numpy array when I am writing a python module. How to read hdf5 files so that I can access individual elements?
Update: Thanks for the answers below. I need to read hdf5 file from C and not from Python- I know how to do that. For example:
import h5py as t
import numpy as np
f=t.File('\tmp\tmp.h5', 'w')
#this file is 2+GB
Now I have a hdf5 file called '\tmp\tmp.h5'. What I need to do is read the individual array elements from the hdf5 file using C (and not python) so that I can do something with those elements. This shows how to extend numpy arrays. How to extend hdf5?
Edit: Grammar
", it sounds like you're using the C interface... Are you writing C or python? – Joe Kingtoncython
and call the low-level HDF5 C functions to access the data. Or alternatively, pull chunks of data into a numpy array and then do the calculations on the numpy array using cython or writing a python extension: scipy.org/Cookbook/C_Extensions/NumPy_arrays – JoshAdel