What are best practices for synching users and roles between Mongo instances?
On the same Windows machine, I am trying to copy MongoDB users and roles in the admin database from one Mongo instance to another. Authentication is 'on' for each instance. No combination of mongodump\mongorestore or mongoexport\mongoimport I have tried works. With mongodump\restore, the restore step displays:
assuming users in the dump directory are from <= 2.4 (auth version 1) Failed: the users and roles collections in the dump have an incompatible auth version with target server: cannot restore users of auth version 1 to a server of auth version 5
I found no command line option to tell it not to do this silly thing. I have Mongo version 4 and that's it installed.
You would think --dumpDbUsersAndRoles and --restoreDbUsersAndRoles would be symmetrical, but they are not.
I was able to run this, mongoexport -p 27017 -u admin --password please -d admin --collection system.roles --out myRoles.json
However, when trying mongoimport
mongoimport -p 26017 -u admin --password please -d admin --collection "system.roles" --file myRoles.json
the output displays error validating settings: invalid collection name: collection name 'system.roles' is not allowed to begin with 'system.'