v5.0.0 of the Windows Community Toolkit dropped support for the Creators Update (15063). Now I want to manually backport the MasterDetailsView XAML Control.
I've already included the following files from the Windows Community Toolkit v5.0.0 MasterDetailsView XAML Control source code in my project:
- BackButtonBehavior.cs
- MasterDetailsView.cs
- MasterDetailsView.Events.cs
- MasterDetailsView.Properties.cs
- MasterDetailsView.xaml
- MasterDetailsViewState.cs
- VisualTree.cs
If I now create one with the following XAML code:
<masterdetailsview1:MasterDetailsView x:Name="chats_mdv"
DetailsTemplate="{StaticResource DetailsTemplate}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource MasterTemplate}"
ItemsSource="{x:Bind ViewModel.CHATS_ACV}"
MasterPaneBackground="{StaticResource AppBackgroundAcrylicElementBrush}"
NoSelectionContentTemplate="{StaticResource NoSelectionTemplate}"
SelectedItem="{x:Bind ViewModel.SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
The result of the code above is a MasterDetailsView XAML Control without any behavior. I can't interact with it. It's stuck in the master pane only mode. It does not react if I click on any master item to view it.
Which files do I have to include in my project for this to work?