(How) can I set a max_fee for flat fee shipping costs in WooCommerce?
Adding this to the costs field in the flat fee settings of a shipping method works:
(1 * [qty]) + [fee min_fee = "2,5"]
(i.e. shipping costs 2,5 per order + 1 Euro per product) -> at least 3,5 and increasing + 1 for each product).
However, I want to charge 3,50 at minimum (for 1 item) and 4,50 at max (for 2 or more items). I.e. functionally this formula: (3,5 * [qty])
or [fee **max_fee** = "4,5"]
Is this possible? / What is the correct syntax to use? I cannot find this anywhere. I only found this reference ("add max_fee shortcode attribute for flat rate" / "allow max_fee in addition to min_fee in flat rate costs fields") which seems to indicate that a feature request for a max_fee for flat fees (other than for percentages) is implemented. But I can't get it to work.