I have the following dataframe:
points_team1 points_team2 team1 team2
1 42 32 Doppler/Horst Doherty/Allen
2 40 46 Abbiati/Andreatta Mesa/Garcia
3 50 49 Bergmann/Harms Basta/Kolaric
4 46 48 Mol H./Berntsen Regza/Smits
5 29 42 Doppler/Horst Hyden/Brunner
6 31 42 Hyden/Brunner Liamin/Krasilnikov
Now I would like to build the sum of points each team has scored and lost. Note, that a team might be team 1 OR team 2 (e.g. Hyden/Brunner is once on each side).
I tried to use gather
, but then got stuck how to use something like SUMIF.
k <- structure(list(points_team1 = c(42, 40, 50, 46, 29, 31), points_team2 = c(32,
46, 49, 48, 42, 42), team1 = c("Doppler/Horst", "Abbiati/Andreatta",
"Bergmann/Harms", "Mol H. / Berntsen", "Doppler/Horst", "Hyden/Brunner"
), team2 = c("Doherty/Allen", "Mesa/Garcia", "Basta/Kolaric",
"Regza/Smits", "Hyden/Brunner", "Liamin/Krasilnikov")), row.names = c(NA,
-6L), class = "data.frame")
v <- k %>% tidyr::gather('team1','team2', key="team_id", value="teamname") %>%
dplyr::group_by(teamname) %>%
dplyr::summarize(matches_played=n(), points_won=sum(points_team1[team_id == "team1"]))
The expected outcome for the given dataset would be:
teamname points_won points_lost
1 Doppler/Horst 71 74
2 Abbiati/Andreatta 40 46
3 Mesa/Garcia 46 40
4 Hyden/Brunner 73 71
The results I got from researching google and stackoverflow only gave me answers to sum all the rows containing a certain element (e.g. here: Summarize with conditions in dplyr) but in my question the column to sum up may depend on 2 different columns, and I could not figure out how to do that.
Please help!