I am working on a POC for implementing a kafka cluster in my project. I have setup a kafka cluster in my local machine with 3 brokers. Now I am sending messages to the Kafka server using Spring MVC REST service which is internally using Spring Kafka to produce and consume messages to and from the Kafka cluster. Now i am trying to send alerts when the consumer is unable to receive messages from the topic when the broker is down. I shutdown the only broker to which the consumer is connected. I am not getting any exception in my logs but i got the following warning messages.
0:20:35.500 [TEST_GROUP-0-C-1] WARN o.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient - [Consumer clientId=consumer-1, groupId=TEST_GROUP] Connection to node 2147483645 could not be established. Broker may not be available.
Is it possible to catch this warning message so that i can send alert when my consumer has lost connection? Below is my consumer code.
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ListenerServiceImpl.class);
Dao<RnMessage> messageDao;
MessageService messageService;
@KafkaListener(id = "TEST_GROUP", topics = "TESTQUEUE", errorHandler="eventQueueMessageListenerExceptionHandler")
public void listenMessageInQueue(String msg) {
try {
//String str = new String(msg, "UTF-8");
LOGGER.info("receiving payload='{}'", msg);
}catch(Exception e) {