
I have two tables, recipy and recipe_ingredients, recipe_ingredients is set up as a nested resource

resources :recipies do
 resources :recipe_ingredients

Recipy_ingredients are shown on my recipy_edit page and I want to also delete them from there. My edit view:

 <% @recipe_ingredients.each do |ing| %>
  <p> <%= ing.amount %> <%= ing.unit %> <%= ing.ingredient.try(:ing_name) %> </p>
  <p><%= link_to ('<i class="material-icons"> clear </i>').html_safe, recipy_recipe_ingredient_path(ing.recipy, ing),
               method: :delete, data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'} %>
<% end %>

My def edit from the recipies_controller:

def edit
 @recipy = Recipy.find(params[:id])
 @recipe_ingredients = @recipy.recipe_ingredients

def destroy from the recipe_ingredients controller:

def destroy
 @recipe_ingredient = RecipeIngredient.find(params[:id])
 recipy = @recipe_ingredient.recipy
 redirect_to recipy

when trying to open the edit page I keep getting below error msg:

No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"recipe_ingredients", :id=>nil, :recipy_id=>"160"}, missing required keys: [:id]

and this line is highlighted:

  <p><%= link_to ('<i class="material-icons"> clear </i>').html_safe, recipy_recipe_ingredient_path(ing.recipy, ing),

Is the route messed up? I thought this would be the correct snytax for nested resources? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Let me know fi any additional info is needed!


After some digging around I figured that if I remove a partial before the link_to in the edit view the code works fine. My partial before the code:

Add new Ingredient

    <%= form_with model:[@recipy, @recipy.recipe_ingredients.build]  do |form| %>

      <div class="field">
        <%= form.label :amount %>
        <%= form.text_field :amount %>

      <div class="field">
        <%= form.label :unit %>
        <%= form.text_field :unit %>

      <div class="field">
        <%= form.select(:ingredient_id, options_from_collection_for_select(Ingredient.all, :id, :ing_name))%>

      <div class="actions">
        <%= form.submit "add ingredient", remote: true %>

    <% end %>

and the def create for the recipe_ingredients:

   def create
      @recipy = Recipy.find(params[:recipy_id])
      @recipe_ingredient = @recipy.recipe_ingredients.new(recipe_ingredient_params)

      respond_to do |f|
        if @recipe_ingredient.save
          @recipe_ingredients = @recipy.recipe_ingredients.last
          # f.html
          # f.json
          f.js { render :template => "/recipies/updatingview.js.erb", layout: false}


Why would this mess up the delete function? If I remove this partial the delete actually works. And advice?


1 Answers


Whenever you are using nested forms than u need to declare form in this way for edit and new

<%= form_with(model: [recipe_ingredient.recipy, recipe_ingredient], local: true) do |form| %>

But partials and forms become tricky. Note the square brackets:

<%= form_for [@recipy, @recipe_ingredient] do |f| %>

Most important, if you want a URI, you may need something like this:

recipy_recipe_ingredient_path(@recipy, @recipe_ingredient)


[@recipy, @recipe_ingredient]