I'm using sap.ui.comp.smarttable.SmartTable for displaying data in table. I was able to display Dates in Date format by using CustomData.
In View for displaying date in table, used below:
<Column width="100px">
<core:CustomData key="p13nData" value='\{"columnKey": "ExemptEndDt", "maxLength": "5","columnIndex":"33", "leadingProperty": "ExemptEndDt"}' />
<Label text="{i18n>ExemptEndDt}" design="Bold" tooltip="{i18n>ExemptEndDt}" />
But when I'm downloading data in Excel, it is showing data in json date format
I was able to show date format by using the onBeforeExport event, by passing type as Edm.Date type. This way, I was able to display json date as Date in MM/dd/yyyy format. But my requirement is to show date as dd/MM/yyyy. I understand that I need to use inputFormat property, but I could not figureout how to pass the property as my required data.
Can anyone please suggest on the format I need to use..
The SmartTable is using Spreadsheet for achieving this https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#/api/sap.ui.export.Spreadsheet/constructor
In controller, I changed type of the date column to Edm.Date type as below:
onBeforeExport: function (oEvt) {
var mExcelSettings = oEvt.getParameter("exportSettings");
mExcelSettings.workbook.columns[33].type = sap.ui.export.EdmType.Date; //ExemptToDate
mExcelSettings.workbook.columns[33].width = 10;
mExcelSettings.workbook.columns[32].inputFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy"; //Not Working
// GW export
if (mExcelSettings.url) {