You can do this if you are using Google Apps for Business/Education. If you are, you can access the Gmail inbox feed (Atom) by using OAuth. OAuth can also be used to access Gmail via IMAP - you can then have complete access to the IMAP server programmatically, see Gmail IMAP and SMTP using OAuth.
Google has extended IMAP to allow developers to provide a more Gmail-like experience via IMAP, see: (Gmail IMAP Extensions, X-GM-EXT-1).
The unique message (X-GM-MSGID) and unique thread (X-GM-THRID) ids can be used to produce links to Gmail messages directly - you just have to hex encode the id long (e.g. Long.toHexString(x_gm_msgId)). Your link will then need need to be in the form of:
supplying ACCOUNT_ID_HERE (something like [email protected]) and MESSAGE_ID_HERE as appropriate.
I have been working in this area and think you might find my project useful, see: java-gmail-imap.
[NB: URLs formatted as above do not work on Gmail's mobile site (at least on iPhone/Safari).]