I am working on small web application and I am using angular 7 and asp.net core web api as a back end. I am trying to make http post request with angular. My service returns string (token) and when I receive it, I want to show it in alert box.
I have tested my service with Postman
and everything works as expected.
From the browser my request is successfully mapped to the controller's action method. I have set breakpoint in this method body and it successfully returns token without any problem.
But httpclient returns error:
[object Object]
And in the browser console I see this:
POST https://localhost:44385/api/auth net::ERR_INVALID_HTTP_RESPONSE
I have two methods (for POST
and for GET)
in a service class injected into component. They look like these:
logIn(username: string, password: string) {
const encodedCredentials = btoa(username + ':' + password);
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
"Authorization": "Basic " + encodedCredentials,
responseType: 'text' as 'text'
this.http.post(this.urlBase + 'auth', null , httpOptions)
.subscribe(result => {
}, error => {
alert(error); // [object Object]
return this.http.get(this.urlBase + 'auth', {responseType: 'text'});
What can be problem?
HttpErrorResponse {headers: HttpHeaders, status: 0, statusText: "Unknown Error", url: null, ok: false, …}
error: ProgressEvent
bubbles: false
cancelBubble: false
cancelable: false
composed: false
currentTarget: XMLHttpRequest {__zone_symbol__xhrSync: false, __zone_symbol__xhrURL: "https://localhost:44385/api/auth", __zone_symbol__loadfalse: null, __zone_symbol__errorfalse: null, __zone_symbol__xhrListener: ƒ, …}
defaultPrevented: false
eventPhase: 0
isTrusted: true
lengthComputable: false
loaded: 0
path: []
returnValue: true
srcElement: XMLHttpRequest {__zone_symbol__xhrSync: false, __zone_symbol__xhrURL: "https://localhost:44385/api/auth", __zone_symbol__loadfalse: null, __zone_symbol__errorfalse: null, __zone_symbol__xhrListener: ƒ, …}
target: XMLHttpRequest {__zone_symbol__xhrSync: false, __zone_symbol__xhrURL: "https://localhost:44385/api/auth", __zone_symbol__loadfalse: null, __zone_symbol__errorfalse: null, __zone_symbol__xhrListener: ƒ, …}
timeStamp: 80234.59999999614
total: 0
type: "error"
__proto__: ProgressEvent
headers: HttpHeaders
headers: Map(0) {}
lazyUpdate: null
normalizedNames: Map(0) {}
__proto__: Object
message: "Http failure response for (unknown url): 0 Unknown Error"
name: "HttpErrorResponse"
ok: false
status: 0
statusText: "Unknown Error"
url: null
__proto__: HttpResponseBase
Update 2:
Request with Postman:
Update 3: trying to get token several times showed that sometimes post request is successfull and sometimes not...