
we are currently updating our poky environment to the sumo branch and one of our recipes that build a kernel module does not work anymore. I get the following error when building image rootfs :

- nothing provides kernel-module-ourmodule-4.14.73-linux4sam_6.0-00005-g871f191fa293 needed by ourmodule.ourtarget

This recipe was working with previous version of yocto.

For testing, I made a copy of meta-skeleton/recipes-kernel/hello-mod in our layer, added hello-mod package in our image and built the image. I have the same kind of error:

Collected errors:
 * Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
 * Problem 1/1:
 *   - nothing provides kernel-module-hello-4.14.73-linux4sam_6.0-00005-g871f191fa293 needed by hello-mod-0.1-r0.our_target
 * Solution 1:
 *   - do not ask to install a package providing hello-mod

Any help is welcome. Thanks


1 Answers


In My case it was the following issue:

I had the module installed in a non standard kernel-module dir, when removing this it was fixed by adding

RPROVIDES_${PN} += "kernel-module-${PN}" 

to the recipe.