I am trying to plot an EM wave (propagating in the z-direction) vector field in Julia. I looked around and it looks like quiver is what I need to use and I have tried that with unsuccessful results. As far as I understand (x, y, z) are the origins of the vectors and (u, v, w) are the vectors themselves originating at the (x, y, z) points. Here is what I have so far but this doesn't seem to produce the correct plot. How can I get this to work? I'm open to try other plotting libs as well. Thanks in advance.
using Plots; gr()
t = 0; n = 100; k = 1; ω = 1; φ = π/4
x = y = w = zeros(n)
z = range(0, stop=10, length=n)
u = @. cos(k*z - ω*t)
v = @. sin(k*z - ω*t)
quiver(x, y, z, quiver=(u, v, w), projection="3d")