The requirement is to launch my Android app if the user commands GA to find nearby restaurants of McDonald' where McDonald is the app name. Since the user is not mentioning that s/he wants to search in McDonald app it is not an explicit intent which the app can handle with a defined intent filter. I want to understand which component should I use to get this done.
There will be another use case that user wants to order some food item that has the name, McDonald. This suggests that ideally, I have to define action sets(set of templates) although the app doesn't converse with the user hence DialogFlow is not usable.
I contacted the Google action team after going through this Question, their response was that Invoking an Android application from an AOG app is not an available feature at this moment, this could be achieved using Google Assistant
What is the option left for this use-case?
My findings
tag which is for hardware makers to create Google Assistant type devices, rather than for apps built upon Android. – Morrison Chang