I need to estimate the weighted average of raster values for the polygon shown in squares. I want to obtain raster value and its weight within each square in the polygon shape. (As shown in this post: How can I extract an area weighted sum from a raster into a polygon in R?)
But, please see my code below and the image of what I am getting as weights. Can somebody correct me what I am doing wrong here and why my output is different from as shown in the above post.? I want to obtain an output like in the post above. Seems likes the weights I am getting is wrong too.
Please see the attached input data set here: https://bft.usu.edu/w8crs
rlist = list.files(getwd(), pattern = "tif$", full.names = TRUE)
inshp = "Test"
rdata <- rlist[1]
r <- raster(rdata)
sdata <- readOGR(dsn=getwd(), layer=inshp)
sdata <- spTransform(sdata, crs(r))
extract(r, sdata, weights=TRUE)
value weight
56.75139 1
value weight
61.18781 1
value weight
56.75139 1
value weight
61.18781 1