
I'm having a data.frame (df), see example, that contains information about people. Based on a key column (sleutel), I know if people live together (e.g. form a family) or not. Now, I need to create new columns with information about the 'head' of the family.

     name   sex gzverh   sleutel gzhfd lft
1 Loekens   Man      6  1847LS 9     3  49
2   Kemel Vrouw      5 1847LK 10     2  18
3   Kemel   Man      5 1847LK 10     2  22
4 Boersma Vrouw      4 1847LK 10     2  52
5   Kemel   Man      2 1847LK 10     1  54

So for example: row 5, Kemel, Male and gzhfd 1 (= head of the family Kemel). He is married to mrs. Boersma (same key). I want to mutate a new column (lfthb) with the age of the head of the family for all family members. So should become something like:

     name  sex  gzverh   sleutel gzhfd lft lfthb
1 Loekens   Man      6  1847LS 9     3  49    NA
2   Kemel Vrouw      5 1847LK 10     2  18    54
3   Kemel   Man      5 1847LK 10     2  22    54
4 Boersma Vrouw      4 1847LK 10     2  52    54
5   Kemel   Man      2 1847LK 10     1  54    54

I tried multiple ways with dplyr using multiple combinations of group_by, case_when and if_else statements. And I manage to mutate the column for the head of the family itself. But not for the other members.

For example, evidently only changes the value for the head itself:

df <- df %>% mutate(lfthb  = case_when(sleutel == lag(sleutel) & gzhfd == 1 ~ lft))

But how to include the gzhfd == 1 after the ~?

dput of example data:

structure(list(naam = c("Loekens", "Kemel", "Kemel", "Boersma", 
"Kemel"), gesl = c("Man", "Vrouw", "Man", "Vrouw", "Man"), gzverh = c(6L, 
5L, 5L, 4L, 2L), sleutel = c("1847LS 9", "1847LK 10", "1847LK 10", 
"1847LK 10", "1847LK 10"), gzhfd = c(3, 2, 2, 2, 1), lft = c(49, 
18, 22, 52, 54)), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")

2 Answers


A combination of replace and ifelse will do the job, i.e.,


df %>% 
 group_by(sleutel) %>% 
 mutate(lfthb = ifelse(any(gzhfd == 1), replace(lft, gzhfd != 1, lft[gzhfd == 1]), NA))

which gives,

# A tibble: 5 x 7
# Groups:   sleutel [2]
  naam    gesl  gzverh sleutel   gzhfd   lft lfthb
  <chr>   <chr>  <int> <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Loekens Man        6 1847LS 9      3    49    NA
2 Kemel   Vrouw      5 1847LK 10     2    18    54
3 Kemel   Man        5 1847LK 10     2    22    54
4 Boersma Vrouw      4 1847LK 10     2    52    54
5 Kemel   Man        2 1847LK 10     1    54    54

As @Ronak mentions, we can omit the replace part

df %>% 
 group_by(sleutel) %>% 
 mutate(lfthb = if (any(gzhfd == 1)) lft[gzhfd == 1] else NA)

A data.table approach (returns -INF instead of NA for the group with missing data):

dt<-df %>% as.data.table() %>% 
  .[gzhfd==1, lfthb := lft, by="sleutel"] %>% 
  .[,lfthb:= max(lfthb,na.rm = T), by="sleutel"]